Egg Attempt in the Blue
Walt Rogers got me excited that the weekend held an opportunity to continue my quest to capture the egg from it's nearly permanent home at Air Sailing. Great conditions were called for in the Great Basin, the challenge as always is connecting from Avenal to the desert. I had a plan, a westerly line down the California Valley, jump to the Sierra Madre's near Santa Ynez and run the convergence past the Tehachapi's connecting to the Sierra and blasting north hoping for something late in the day near Minden for final glide into Air Sailing. Sunday, we'd take a tow out of Air Sailing, egg safely tucked in the Duo and fly back South hopefully getting to 18k somewhere down near Mammoth and dead glide our way back across the Sierra and the valley towards Avenal. Conditions looked like they might allow for an early (for Avenal) start around noon. I was set to go it alone in the Duo as Karl was flying our ASW-20 with Julie willing to crew should I end up short or need a re...