Santa Ynez North Wave in Winter 1-16-2011
A recap of a great day of Wave Flying out of Santa Ynez. Initially I wrote this as an email to my hang glider friends, so it has a slight skew towards specifics that our local hang glider community is tuned into. Many years ago, before the Perryometer (the name of our weather station, implemented and maintained by Perry) was up and operational out at Plowshare peak and long before XCSkies, RASPs and other localized weather resources, we used to just make the drive to Plowshare and see what we found. I can remember a lot of days where we got to launch and found it blasting to 45mph up the face. Maybe something that Patrick would now tackle with a speedwing, but generally it resulted in a lot of hang waiting and quite a few days of driving down the hill and heading home. Sunday I had the opportunity to taste a new variation of that day. The RASPs were forecasting strong N winds up high and predicting wave in the Santa Ynez area with wave bars off the Sie...